[Strange Scans] is very proud to present a genuine gem of an art book - Masamune Shirow's 'Dominion Club'. It was released in 1987 for 1000¥ (Good luck finding it that cheap today) It features eight full colour prints, four monochrome manga pages and the dominion files (an eight page double sided foldout) which focus on individual characters. All of this is in A3 by the way - so it's really nice (especially if you are a fan or collector) to be able to the art in such quality.
I'm unsure how limited the release of this was but I haven't seen too many copies floating around. This one was in mint condition, I was actually under the impression it was A4 or letter size - so I was quite surprised by it's actual dimensions.
Below are a few examples of the work inside.
Don't forget to click for large!
I'm pretty sure the green fairy there is Greenpeace with two friends of hers.
There are two versions of this for download, one in blistering eye watering high res, and one in my standard release size - choose wisely!
Large (2200x PNG)
Small (1200x PNG)