Friday, January 6, 2012

Comission - Black Lagoon

I really do enjoy Black Lagoon. Possibly the manga more so than the anime - but thats neither here nor there. I think I'm about due for my six monthly re-read to see how many more chapters have been done since I caught up last time. Also have I ever mentioned Saywer/Shenhua get nowhere near as much love as they should?
I have? Well okay then.

Praise and thanks should be directed to Zet for this one.
(NSFW of course)

You know, I sometimes think that with all of the strong female characters in Black Lagoon there's a risk of overcrowding and having them kind of fight for screentime. Balalika, Revy, Shenhua, Saywer, Roberta, Eda - the list goes on. If I had to pick who the boss was though, I'd pick Balalika - I mean she has a private army at her disposal, you can't go much better than that.

The below image depicts the delicate afformentioned power balance in Roanapur - I hope you enjoy this informative picture.
(Don't forget to click for large)


1 comment:

  1. That's some good stuff right there. I too love Black Lagoon and I'm always looking for hentai of Revy that depicts her character properly. Never thought of something like this though, it's pretty good and makes sense. More sense than her getting raped by Rock..
