Sunday, March 24, 2013

Adventures in anime

So I've been watching a lot of anime lately. 

An awful lot. A criminal amount. Perhaps even enough to kill a full grown horse if you wanted to be dramatic and hated horses. This all started when I realised a while ago that I hadn't actually watched an anime start to end for a fair while. I used to find time to watch anime - so what's changed? Well it's been a combination of being busy with other more important real life things and old hobbies (if you can call watching anime that) being pushed out of the way for new things - such as wasting time on the internet, which isn't a hobby but bear with me here.

(I will say at this point - that the internet, is a terrible, terrible time sink if you are not careful and that I do not regret quitting  some of the sites I was on to be more productive with actually getting things (no matter how trivial) done.)

So apart from this making me have a closer look at how regularly I should be taking breaks and other ergonomic issues I've been noticing a few trends.

Mainly that out of ten anime. Two will be pants shitingly good, six will be okay to tepid and two are so bad that I check my email and talk to people on steam so that I don't feel like I've totally wasted my time.
Seriously, some of the bottom of the barrel ones feel like they were down to the last 10,00Y on the animation budget and the staff sat around on their lunch break despairing and filling out job applications.

But I digress.

I've been enjoying finding small references, details and probable copyright infringement as I watch.
I'd like to note at this point that Blue Ray anime is fucking amazing and please, please, please for the love of all that is kawaii let there be more Blu Ray re-releases in the future. 
So without further delay lets flick through some of the things I've found - After the jump!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

DDL problems

As you may have noticed the DDL links have died all at once.
Well the server I host on has changed it's configuration and I need to go through and manually redo all of the links.  Which is a pain in the arse but I'll get it done eventually.

Also yes, things have been quiet recently. I've been quite busy IRL, which seems to happen once or twice a year. Sorry about that! But I have other things to get done as well. 

Thank you for your patience.

Edit: They should all be fixed now!