Thursday, March 21, 2013

DDL problems

As you may have noticed the DDL links have died all at once.
Well the server I host on has changed it's configuration and I need to go through and manually redo all of the links.  Which is a pain in the arse but I'll get it done eventually.

Also yes, things have been quiet recently. I've been quite busy IRL, which seems to happen once or twice a year. Sorry about that! But I have other things to get done as well. 

Thank you for your patience.

Edit: They should all be fixed now!


  1. Things happen, don't worry about it.

  2. Try to get the DDL To FF9 Reve done quickly, i'd be pretty damn funny to see freya get pantsed.

  3. just when I need to show a friend where she can get em! Oh well, well take what we can get for now :) just update when you think you have them all done, that way you can be told if you missed any but not bugged about ones that dont work while youre still fixing it xD

  4. ;_;
    I just found these touhou doujins just now, not fair!

  5. thank you for fixing the links.
