I've been a bit quiet for a while - but as usual I've been busy. I thought I'd branch out and commission some artwork, (which is a move I've been considering for a while) I went with joix (NSFW). Who is a pretty cool guy and puts out some really nice work and you should all go check his stuff out. Do you want to see ShenhuaxSawyer?
Of course you do - and you will, after the jump.
I get a bit picky on details sometimes, so the background here is based on what we see of the apartment from the anime/manga. I'm also planning on getting more commissions done, what series though depends on what seems good at the time - but I definitely want at least one more on Black Lagoon.
Thanks again Joix!
It is an old post, but I don't care. Shenhua x Sawyer - you are genius. Thank you very much for commissioning and thanks a lot to Joix for the artwork.