Sunday, April 15, 2012

In other news

I've had a lot of business to take care of lately so things have been a bit slower than I had planned. However I'm in the clear for a bit so I got around to changing some things I've been meaning to for a while.
All releases including ones posted prior to the DDL server now have a DDL link alongside the usual Mediafire/E-Hentai combo. So even in the event of Megaupload's demise being replicated there will still be links live.

Due to some confusion on what has and hasn't been translated. I took the time to go back through and make sure all translated scans link to the translation post and vice versa. (In case anyone wants to confirm the translation with the raw or something)

Tags now show in the sidebar down the right hand side, hopefully this will be usefull for sifting through the releases on here. I'll go back and make sure all of the tags are accurate and add some more in the next day or so.

Formatting for the text only page has been fixed a bunch and looks a lot less shitty.

If you have any suggestions, questions or comments with regards to my work leave a comment or send me an email about it! strangescans[at]

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