Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Fantasy Distant Worlds

Have you heard of the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concerts?

Well they're a series of concerts being held under the direction of Arnie Roth and Nobuo Uematsu
I personally regard Nobuo as one of the grand masters of vidya music. I managed to - with the help of some friends get along to the concert in Adelaide (Australia) - it was amazing! A mindblowing two hour set of solid gold music.

I noticed, however - that on ebay people have been selling the programs from the previous ones?
Weird, well here is the Adelaide 2012 program - if and when I get around to it I'll put together a download of the songs played - I think that'd be pretty cool.

And in a zip file over here.
I got some stuff signed!

Commission - Pack Mule (Original)

I actually got this done a while ago, but it seems I forgot to post it for some reason or the other.
It does not belong to any particular series, which is a first for me. Generally my commissions are from something. This time it was just a general theme 'Pack mule' which Boolyonzy graciously agreed to create for me!

Follow on after the jump to find out how it turned out!

(It's probably better to class it as NSFW)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Commission - Black Magic M-66

I've been quite busy with real life lately but I think there is always time for a comission from a good artist.
For today's item we look to Jeffrey Chamba Cruz.

Read on after the jump for the full picture.
(This comission is SFW)