Friday, January 11, 2013

Two years running and mediafire

I like to think that in some small way [Strange Scans] is chewing through the unimagineable backlog of untranslated and unscanned material that's out there - and while it's been a lot of work. It's been a lot of fun too. It turns out that as of today it's been two years worth! (of fun and work)
Thanks first and foremost to the circles in Japan who've put out the work which is being scanned and editied. Thank you reader for passing through wether you've been keeping an eye on things since the first post or you're stumbling through a year after this post has been made. (it happens!)

And of course thank you to the guys who've helped out or worked with [Strange Scans] the last two years.

Dou, Desudesu, [Deja Vu], [Mukys], [UMAD], Rinrurirun, Sahadou, the Voile team and all of the artists who've been comissioned along the way.

See you around!


Also the Mediafire account of [Strange Scans] has finally - after over two years and multiple infingement notices been closed for copyright violations (on doujinshi?) Unless there are any great suggestions of other file hosts (And I am open to that if there is demand) it looks like it's DDL and E/Ex-Hentai from here on it.

RIP Mediafire account - 30/07/2010 - 11/01/2013


  1. Sendspace is by and large the current favorite host.

  2. Now the Mega is back, you can create one account for 50GB.


  3. Zipshare is also seems to be good
