Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pandemonium! OST

Back in 1996/7 (depending on where you live) Crystal Dynamics released Pandemonium! a psuedo 3d side scrolling platformer for the PS1. I never got much of a chance to play it when it was released due to various reasons, but when I did get around to tracking it down years later I found that it was by far one of the best platformers I had played.

The simple yet highly functional gameplay mechanics along with amazingly well designed stages, and tight gameplay made a challenging and fun game. It and other PS1 era platformers, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and nothing short of gaming gold. Gold I tell you.

Well I had a look around and eventually found the OST for the game - and here it is. This is an archival - not a release and I didn't rip this. The source appears to be steve2606 over on (here) In the interests of getting this fun little soundtrack out there I've stuck the cover image in the folder and rehosted it.


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